Faculty of Biology

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Gender Equality Officer

We value everyone's contributions to delivering excellent science and teaching at the Faculty of Biology. However, we must address the current gender gap in academic careers.

In Germany, women constitute around 51% of the population. At the Faculty of Biology, women make up roughly 60% of the student body at both undergraduate and graduate levels. However, this representation dramatically drops to just 22-23% at the professorial level. This stark disparity highlights systemic barriers and limits the diversity of perspectives and research approaches in the field.

Female role models in leading positions in academia are essential; they inspire and provide tangible examples of success for aspiring female scientists, helping to break down stereotypes and encouraging more women to pursue and persist in academic careers in biology.

Tackling this gender gap, we highlight "Women in Biology" in a series of profiles, sharing their experiences and career journeys under the inspiring motto: "You can be what you can see... and more."

Please click on the portraits for their profiles.

Women in Biology
