Core Facilities
The following core facilities are maintained at the Faculty of Biology:
- Bioanalytics
- Bioimaging
- Electron Microscopy
- Fluorescence activated cell-sorting (FACS)
- Genomics Service Unit
- Mass Spectrometry
The platform offers different techniques for biomolecular interaction analyses and was founded especially for academic cooperations. Particularly, we offer SPR technique e.g. for the analysis of protein-protein, protein-DNA, or protein-small molecule interactions at a highly sensitive Biacore T200 device. The service platform can be used by institutes and research groups of the LMU for net costs price. The service is therefore a cheap alternative compared to commercial services. The costs include besides a maintenance fee for the device that is used only the costs for consumables. For other academic institutions in Munich the service cannot be performed for net cost prices (prices on demand).
Location: G02.037/G02.039
Responsible: Dr. Sophie Brameyer
Detailled information on the Bionanalytics Unit
CALM (Center for Advanced Light Microscopy) is one of the four centers of excellence within the "BioImaging Network Munich" (BIN). It is located at the Biocenter of the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU), Munich. CALM has the mission to provide easy access to advanced bioimaging technologies, to ensure an efficient use of imaging resources and to support researchers during image acquisition and data analysis.
CALM stimulates scientific communication and connects people with different expertise in all fields of microscopy. Currently, these services include introduction, training and support of researchers and students performing experiments with different cutting-edge microscopes. CALM services are also available for scientific collaborators and for external users upon request.
Location: Building D02
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Leonhardt
Detailled information on the CALM
Electron Microscopy
The Electron Microscopy facility offers a broad spectrum of analytical methods and cryo-techniques using transmission electron microscopy and high resolution scanning electron microscopy. Established and developed over the past two decades, the facility has addressed, in numerous cooperations within and outside of the Biology faculty, research topics ranging from the biogenesis of organelles, compartmentalization of secondary metabolites in plant and animal cells, the accumulation of heavy metals in bacteria and cell cultures, up to the localization of protein molecules in/on cells or cell structures.
Location: Basement, Building E/F
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Andreas Klingl
Detailled information on the Electron Microscopy Unit
Fluorescence activated cell-sorting (FACS)
The Faculty of Biology makes available to its members advanced instrumentation for fluorescent cell analysis and cell sorting. The high performance desktop cell sorter (BD Biosciences FACS Aria II SORP) is now operated by the Core Facility Flow Cytometry of the BMC (BMC N.C.03.043), where experienced staff will discuss your specific scientific problems and provide training. Conditions and pricing of the Core Facility Flow Cytometry of the BMC apply, except a reduction for use of the instrument owned by the Faculty of Biology (see Besitzer Bedinungen BMC).
Bei allen Fragen zu Ihren Projekten und zum Betrieb des Sorters: Core Facility Flow Cytometry of the BMC und Dr. Lisa Richter Bei Fragen zur Vereinbarung zwischen Fakultät für Biologie und BMC: Prof. Michael Boshart
BD Biosciences FACS Aria II Sorter, 5-Laser Konfiguration
- State-of-the-art fluorescence-activated cell sorter
- Analyzes up to 13 fluorescence channels plus forward scatter (relative size) and side scatter (internal complexity)
- Acquisition rates of up to 70,000 events/second
- Sorts up to four populations simultaneously
- Full temperature control
- Multiwell plate or slide deposition
- 561nm Coherent Compass 50mW
- 488nm Coherent Saphire 100mW
- 640nm Coherent Cube 40mW
- 405nm Coherent Cube 100mW
- 355nm Lightwave Xcyte 20mW
Besitzerbedingungen BMC
§ 1 Für die Mitglieder der Fakultät für Biologie werden reduzierte Nutzungsgebühren erhoben. Die Berechnung dieser reduzierten Nutzungsgebühren erfolgt auf Basis der Vollkostenkalkulation (in Absprache mit dem Referat VII.7 Finanzcontrolling), und ist daher veränderlich. Nach Neuberechnung werden die Arbeitsgruppenleiter der Biologie über die Gebühren in Kenntnis gesetzt. Darüber hinaus sind die jeweilig aktuellen Gebühren jederzeit für die Mitglieder der Fakultät für Biologie im Gerätebuchungssystem der Core Facility Flow Cytometry einsehbar.
§ 2 Ehemalige Mitglieder der Fakultät für Biologie können die reduzierten Gebühren nach ihrem Ausscheiden aus der Fakultät nicht mehr in Anspruch nehmen.
§ 3 Die Mitglieder der Fakultät für Biologie haben sich nach den jeweils aktuellen Nutzungsbedingungen der Core Facility Flow Cytometry zu richten, und diesen zuzustimmen, bevor Zutritt zu den Räumen und Nutzung der Geräte gestattet werden kann.
Genomics Service Unit
The mission of the Genomics Service Unit is to deliver fast and reliable genome and DNA analysis in the highest obtainable quality. The unit is located on the second and third floors of the LMU Biocenter and consists of three different services: Sequencing Service, Equipment Service, and Consumables Service.
Location: G03.031
Responsible: Dr. Andreas Brachmann
Detailled information on the Genomics Service Unit
Mass Spectrometry
The service unit Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules at LMU (MSBioLMU) is part of the Department Biology I of the LMU Munich. The service can be used by internal and external working groups. From small molecules / metabolites (Metabolomics) to large polypeptides / proteins (Proteomics) are detected and quantified routinely in different matrices. To this end, the service unit employs several mass spectrometers and chromatographs.
Location: F02.017 and F02.021
Detailled information on the Mass Spectrometry Unit and the responsible staff.