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3rd Munich Brain Day on May 16, 2025

The registration and abstract submission is now open...

22.01.2025 – 30.03.2025

We are happy to announce the registration and abstract submission is now open for the 3rd Munich Brain Day on May 16, 2025. Note the event had been oversubscribed in recent years - so early action is recommended!

The one day event aims to bring the Munich neuroscience community together, fostering the exchange of ideas and catalysing innovative interdisciplinary research. The format will raise the profile of early career scientists, with a particular emphasis on increasing diversity.

In addition to 20 min short talks, students and postdocs will have the opportunity to present their work in a datablitz and poster session. Lucrative prizes will go to the best posters, so be sure to sign up and submit your abstract by March 30, 2025 (at https://munichbrainday.com/).

Once more, the event will be held in the T-building at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence in Martinsried, starting at 9am. We will end the day with a social event - so come along and check out all the cool neuroscience in Munich, make some new friends, and leave with an idea that will change the way we think.